sound barrier/acoustic barrier
Between the sound source and the receiver to insert a facility, so there is a significant wave propagation additional attenuation, thereby weakening the impact of noise within a certain area where the recipient of such a facility is called the sound barrie.
Sound Barrier Material classification can be divided into the following categories: metal sound barrier (metal louvers, metal mesh holes), concrete sound barrier (lightweight concrete, high strength concrete), PC sound barriers, sound barriers, such as fiberglass. Widest 2.7 meter wide steel pc into a plexiglass plate already being produced in Wuxi, sound barrier factory installed successfully, greatly improve the visual and noise reduction
According to different uses can be divided into several categories: sound barrier rail, highway sound barriers, sound barrier urban landscape, residential noise reduction barriers.
Sound barrier height 5m 1m a room, covering an average noise reduction of the effective area of 10 ~ 15dB (A) (125Hz ~ 40000Hz, 1/3 octave), up to 20dB (A). In general, the higher the sound barrier, or farther away from the sound barrier, noise, the better.